воскресенье, 16 мая 2010 г.

Racism is not a problem in Russia.

     On the website of the popular magazine “Time” ( http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1304096,00.html ) , I found an interesting article in which the author writes that racism in Russia is a very important problem. In this article he gives the facts of violence against foreign nationals residing in the territory of the Russian Federation. But you cannot see single case as a trend that extends to the entire country. Yes, it is not a  secret that many foreigners find the truth behind the myth that Russians do not like visitors. It is not difficult to prove the fact that it is not true. Russians are not racists, they live in a multicultural and multi-confessional state. In Russia no more (if not less) racist than in other civilized countries (America, Germany, Ukraine ...). In Russia there is no racism. Among the individual, as a rule, small groups of people, we, of course, see the nationalist sentiments. But ,as a widespread phenomenon, racism in our country does not exist.

1 комментарий:

  1. Denis, if there is no racism in Russia, how can you comment murders or fights based on race differences which are not rare in Russia? Do you support propoganda?
