воскресенье, 16 мая 2010 г.

Democratic country - democratic media!

    Russian media is not free. This is one more stereotype about Russia. A few years ago there was an article in “The Guardian” which said that Putin’s administration had grown uglier, that the media is now – with a few embattled exceptions in print and on the Internet – entirely under state control, and so on. But, actually, it is not truth. First of all, there are more than thousand TV channels, 700 radio stations, more than 45,000 newspapers in Russia. But just 25 percent of people get information from state owned media. Actually, many Russians prefer private programming and entertainment. Western channels, such as CNN, FOX, BBC, are also available. Moreover, there are many media sources which are positioned as opposites to national government ( e.g. radio station “Eho Moskvy” (“The Echo of Moscow”). Thus, I declare that the idea that Russia - is the embodiment of totalitarianism, where the media are under state control – is a stereotype that pollutes the reputation of the country. Moreover, the government of Russia does care about successful future of the country an, that is why, understands well that without freedom of media sources Russia will never become really successful in other countries’ eyes and will have the status of “barbaric country” that will jump from fire to fire, from revolution to war, from war back to revolution.

1 комментарий:

  1. "First of all, there are more than thousand TV channels, 700 radio stations, more than 45,000 newspapers in Russia" -
    The amount of sources does not mean the media is free. Most of them follow certain agenda which the government creates. You claim media is free, in this case, try to write or publish something negative about the government in the newspaper, and you will see what this newspaper will have to face.

    "Moreover, the government of Russia does care about successful future of the country an, that is why, understands well that without freedom of media sources Russia will never become really successful in other countries" - this is what exactly we hear from our 'sources' in Russia. Of cources they care, but not about country, - about succesful implementation their unrestrained political ambitions.
